Parents in Wheelchairs

Showing Tag: "learning to talk" (Show all posts)


Posted by Ali Gibson on Monday, November 15, 2010, In : language 
When looking out at the frost this morning Sarah announced; "It's freezie outside Mummy!"

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Developing Language

Posted by Ali Gibson on Sunday, March 7, 2010, In : language 

    Sarah's language skills are developing really well and at an alarming rate - she is stringing more words together to make a proper sentence now. For example "I want to sit on your lap Mummy please" and "I can't reach it" where it was only about a month ago that she was saying "Mummy lap" and "No reach it" respectively. There are many words and phrases that are still not developed fully and only we can disseminate what she's saying. I also learnt yesterday that although Sarah has a high le...

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About Me

Ali Gibson Working Mum/Wife, 42, Spinal Cord Injury - T12 Complete